University of South Florida St. Petersburg Marine Science Center / Phased renovation and remodels on occupied lab building / 20,141 GSF
Constructed in 1941, the College of Marine Science (MSL) Building was in need of select demolition and upgrades. Working under a CM at Risk contract, Biltmore completed phased upgrades, remodeling, renovations and new construction for the MSL building. All phases were completed while the facility remained occupied and functional requiring extensive coordination and communications with user-groups.
The project scope included remodeling the Center for Ocean Technology (COT) areas, HVAC additions, ceiling replacements, MEP and utility upgrades, and restroom renovation in the MSL building. The largest phase included the renovation of 10,000 GSF of multiple marine research labs and the creation of a larger corridor in the MLS building with renovations and upgrades of 8,000 GSF (+/-) consisting of a suite of 13 contiguous research laboratories and their associated infrastructure in the MSL at USFSP. The electrical service was upgraded and extended from nine new distribution panels into sub panels and then on into various labs, classrooms and offices. These labs are used exclusively, day and night, for the fulfillment of federal, state or local grant programs as well as the research and training for graduate students thesis and dissertation work.
Renovations also included termite repair and installation of metal casework, installation of new fume hoods, and updates/replacement to existing plumbing and HVAC system. The renovation corrected existing negative conditions that were a health and safety issue to the building’s occupants.