City of Treasure Island Central Beach Trail / New paved urban beach trail / .85 Miles

The new .85 mile, 12-foot wide Treasure Island Beach Trail, runs parallel to the shoreline behind the “Miracle Mile” of Treasure Island motels and resorts and meanders through Treasure Island’s impressive dune system from 119th Avenue to 104th Avenue. There are 17 beach access nodes along the path linked to street entrances along Gulf Boulevard.

The trail is lit by turtle-friendly lamps every 20 feet encased in stainless steel embedded into the retaining wall. Running the full length of the trail, a 24.5-inch high sand retaining wall is capped with a bench top, which provides a nearly mile-long seating bench along the Gulf. Decorative nautical images are embedded into the tan and ruby-red concrete through a sandblasting technique.

Project scope included demolition of existing deteriorated linear-concrete trail; installation of showers and native landscaping.