Biltmore begins construction of Eckerd College’s New Visual Arts Center

February 29, 2016
OVERVIEW: Over the past decade, Biltmore has become an extension of staff assisting Eckerd College in transforming their campus to meet the needs of a growing student population. This most recent project, a 3-story, 33,434 GSF visual arts center features a gallery wing, studio wing, classrooms and offices. Other projects have included a $25.8M Platinum LEED […]

Over the past decade, Biltmore has become an extension of staff assisting Eckerd College in transforming their campus to meet the needs of a growing student population. This most recent project, a 3-story, 33,434 GSF visual arts center features a gallery wing, studio wing, classrooms and offices. Other projects have included a $25.8M Platinum LEED Certified molecular sciences building, a marine science laboratory, a library, campus housing, a science complex, a Tier III data center, several athletic fields, an event venue and a chapel.

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